Carolina Deslandes

Maria Carolina Martinez Deslandes is a Portuguese singer and songwriter born in Lisbon, August 27, 1991.

Singer and composer, Carolina Deslandes is one of the references in national music. At just 30 years old, the singer has long won the hearts of the Portuguese. From the youngest to the oldest, everyone likes his ballads and melodies with stories.

It was on a Talent-Show that her beautiful voice appeared and, since then, she has never left the stage.

At just 18 years old, she entered the Ídolos competition, while taking a degree in Languages and Literature at the University of Lisbon. But her studies did not stop with literature and she went to London to study at the London Music School.

In August 2017, he released the single “A Vida Toda”, which became one of the most highly regarded songs on the Portuguese iTunes Top and the most listened to on Spotify in Portugal, with the respective video clip surpassing 7 million views on YouTube. In 2019, she won the Golden Globe for Best Musical Performer.

Carolina Deslandes is one of the greatest artists of the current generation of Portuguese singers and composers. With millions of views on Youtube, she has followed a meteoric path since her debut, establishing herself as one of the biggest references, not only in the digital universe, but in contemporary national music. “Casa”, his third album of originals, was released on April 20, 2018 and went directly to the 1st place in the national Top Sales chart, becoming the best-selling album in its debut week.

For all this and much more, Carolina is a reference for young people with the dream of making a living from music. More than a reference, it is now in The Voice Kids a precious help for the little ones to grow and learn.

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