Doutores & Engenheiros

The Doctors & Engineers group was formed in Algés. The vocalist was Xana, the guitarist Luís Moreno joined in 1986 and Ilídio Praia was one of the names that came to occupy the drums.

In 1986 they recorded a demo that was widely accepted in the programs of Doutores & Engenheiros Portuguese music. Songs such as “So Long”, “I’m Sick” and “Planet” occupied the first places in the top “Quinta dos Portugueses” of the “Ocidental Praia” program on Rádio Renascença.

In 1987 they competed in the RRV Contest but did not win the round.

The first contract came in 1988 with Edisom. That year, the first album, “Doutores & Engenheiros”, was produced by Manuel Cardoso. The most prominent theme was “Estou na Margem”. Other themes on this record are “Diana”, “History” and “Dreams”. The album sold around 4,000 copies.

In 1988 they gave more than thirty concerts. In July 1989, the album “Lavagem de Estrada” was published, this time produced by Luís Moreno.

The group would eventually disband in 1990.


Doctors & Engineers (LP, Edisom, 1988)
Lavagem de Estrada (LP, Edisom, 1989)


Luís Moreno became a freelance musician having accompanied names such as Adelaide Ferreira, Mafalda Veiga, Marco Paulo, Nucha, Paulo Gonzo, among others. He actively participated in the two “Guitarristas” compilations and released a solo album. He teaches and collaborates with Prómusica magazine and with the Blitz Pro supplement.

António Carlos Santos Alves was the group’s drummer.


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