Entre Aspas

Entre Aspas is a Portuguese band that rose to fame in Portuguese Modern Music in the 1990s with a pop rock style. Its sound is often distinguishable due to its vocalist Viviane ‘s characteristic interpretation and pronunciation.

The first steps

The group’s first steps were taken in the summer of 1990 when Tó Viegas and Viviane were invited, as a duo, to play at the Morbidus bar in Faro. At the time, they marked the date of the concert in a diary simply with quotation marks , hence the name later found for the band.


Luís Fialho and João Vieira joined the band that competed in the 1st Modern Music Competition of the Lisbon City Council, where they placed third.

The following year, 1992, they signed a contract with the publishing house BMG and in November bassist Luís Fialho is replaced by Nuno Filhó.

Their first album, Entre SFF, was produced by Manuel Faria (ex – Trovante) and was released in 1993 by BMG. From this work, the themes “Criatura da Noite” and “Voltas” stand out.

Manuel Faria would return to produce the band the following year for the collection Filhos da Madrugada , a tribute to José Afonso , contributing with his version of “Traz Outro Amigo Também” and participating in the concert at the then Estádio de Alvalade where all the bands gathered participants.

In 1995, the band’s second album, Lollipop , was published by BMG, a work that includes the songs “Perfume” and “Sinal”, and which marked the entry of Filipe Valentim , from Rádio Macau , and Luís San Payo, from Pop Dell’Arte . The production was in charge of Marsten Bailey.

They renew their contract with BMG in 1996 and in the spring of the following year, Edelweiss leaves , with Rui Freire as drummer. “A Little Flower” is the most prominent theme.

In 1998, they were one of the bands to be part of the compilation of the project Ao Vivo na Antena 3 , with the chosen themes “Perfume” and “Tão Estranho”, both in acoustic format originating from the concert performed by the band for Antena 3 at the Auditorium from RDP. This two-CD compilation includes several other Portuguese bands, such as Clã , Blind Zero , Cool Hipnoise , DR Sax , Da Weasel , Despe e Siga, Santos & Pecadores or Turbo Junkie.

1999 had just been born and Entre Aspas had already made their contribution, with a version of the theme “Doçuras”, on the album XX Anos XX Bandas in homage to the twenty years of Xutos & Pontapés ‘ career.

The fourth studio album, Loja de Sonhos , was released in 1999 by BMG. The recordings took place between November 1998 and February 1999 and “Esqueci o Nome das Coisas” was the calling card of this work. This time, the production was signed by Tó Viegas, Vivianne and Flak , with the mixes being under the control of Joe Fossard.

The 2000s and the end

Toward the end of April 2001, the band’s first live album was released: www.entreaspasaovivo.com. This work resulted from the recordings of acoustic concerts given by the band at the Instituto Português da Juventude in Faro, at the end of 2000, and includes two unpublished songs (“Bem Dentro de Nós” and “Nunca desistir”) and a version of a previously performed theme. by Amália Rodrigues: “A Formiga Bossa Nova”. At the same time, the website “www.entreaspasaovivo.com” (no longer available) was opened with the name of the album.

In 2005, the group was dissolved. Viviane then begins her solo career with her first album Amores Imperfeitos.

In 2013, “Best of 20 years” was released, a CD and DVD compilation that celebrates the band’s 20-year career – remembering the release of their first album.

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