SEDA is a Portuguese musical project formed in 2009, with the release of an album of versions of Portuguese music from the 1980s. The project consists of Gabriela Barros, on vocals, Miguel Ângelo Majer on drums, programming and vocals, and also , Ricardo Santos, on synthesizers and voice.

Miguel Ângelo Majer and Ricardo Santos, are the producers and creators of the Portuguese band Donna Maria. With the SEDA project, they chose Portuguese songs from the 80s as an inspiring theme. Rádio Macau, Táxi, Sétima Legião, Rui Veloso, among others, are part of the lineup of the first SEDA work, a disc of versions, released on November 9, 2009.

The singer Gabriela Barros became better known with her participation as a protagonist in soap operas such as Morangos com Açúcar (2010-2011) and Mulheres (2014), in addition to the program “A Tua Cara Não Me É Estranha”.

In 2012 they released their second album, Lá Vai Ela!, still composed of versions. The album features themes immortalized by solo singers such as Gabriela Shaaf, Dora, Né Ladeiras or groups such as Diva, Doce and Três Tristes Tigres.

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