André Sardet

With 19 years of career, between six albums, many shows and many victories, André Sardet is today a name unanimously recognized by critics and the public in the Portuguese music scene.

André edited his first original album at the age of 20, in 1996, after making himself known to the public through television. IMAGES is his first big step in the music world, a solid bet, which quickly puts the single “O Azul do Céu” in the first places of the ‘tops’ of several national and local radio stations.

Two years later, he returns with the release of AGITAR ANTES DE USER, which includes themes such as – “Near closer” and “When I told you about love” that reflect an intense search for the affirmation of a musical identity.

The confirmation of this identity comes in 2002, when he edits the third album – ANDRÉ SARDET, homonym, which shows a very personal and mature facet of the musician.

But it is with AÚSTICO that Sardet definitely convinces the Portuguese public, in July 2006, when he celebrates 10 years of his career, in an album that revisits and updates his most successful compositions, while bringing them closer to their essence.

The album was recorded in 2004, live and in acoustic format, at the Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente, in Coimbra – where André Sardet was born – and features 16 songs recorded without a network, in real time and with full sharing with the public. .

A few weeks after reaching the market, AÚSTICO reached the top of the national sales list, where it remained for 55 weeks, 12 of which were in first place. Between 2006 and 2007, it sold over 150,000 copies and reached the seventh platinum award.

The success extends to the road: more than 130 live shows, applauded from North to South in sold-out rooms and venues, since the release of the fourth album.

In February 2008, he started an ecological tour, with innovative features in Portugal, with his eyes set on the future. Throughout the ECO TOUR 2008, he makes music more environmentally friendly, a pioneering gesture that combines his concerts with awareness of the importance of recycling and energy saving. In addition to the tour using vehicles with lower CO2 emissions, at each concert, energy consumption drops to a third compared to the 2007 shows.

Imagination has no limits in the music and world of André Sardet, and that’s when, in 2008, the original album, MUNDO DE CARTÃO, appeared. In an album completely different from what was expected after the success of Acústico and two years with hundreds of concerts and lots of applause, André Sardet shows the funniest and most colorful side of life through his songs.

MUNDO DE CARTÃO is a family project, which André started to compose “involved in a proud and intense paternity” and which invites parents and children to travel in their imagination, to share experiences and to (re)live unique moments of life.

Throughout his career, the artist André Sardet has always been side by side with solidarity projects and in the struggle for the consolidation of Portuguese music.

In 2011, André Sardet returns to the musical line built over a 15-year career. STOP, LISTEN AND LOOK is recorded in the studio but as if it were a show. Because he likes to listen more when recording a live album, because he considers that there is less formalism, André decided to record everything the first time, without cuts or “studio tricks” – certainly an option that is not for those who want to… but for those who can. .

AS Tour 2011 marked André Sardet’s return to the Big Stages, after a break in 2010, whose main objective was to present his latest album and leave a social and environmental “footprint” in each place where he passed. This TOUR continued in 2012 and focused on the album “Pára, Escuta e Olha”, not forgetting, however, the great successes of the previous albums and presenting to the public an original show, prepared to the smallest detail.

In 2013, two new songs appeared: “O Amor Mata” which enlivens the summer and which, according to his own explanation, “Love kills those who love and those who do not, so it can be sung by everyone, of all ages and in all the places”; and “Amor com Amor se paga”, a generic version of the telenovela Belmonte.

In 2014, the song “A Seta” by André Sardet appears and is performed by him in a duet with Mayra Andrade. This was the main theme of the soundtrack of the film by Joaquim Leitão – “Sei Lá”.

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