Pedro E Os Apóstolos


The leader of the Pedro e os Apostolos project, Pedro de Freitas Branco, played his first chords on a Fender Telecaster owned by his father, Luís de Freitas Branco, who belonged to Claves. In 1988 he formed a version band called Os Gatos Voadores.

At that time, Pedro combined music with the Theater and Cinema course he was taking at the National Conservatory until, at the end of the year, he chose to focus solely on his acting career, joining the Maizum Theater Group. However, in 1989, in addition to theater, he reconnected with music, returning to playing in bars. At the same time he was a journalist at the weekly newspaper “O Independente”. When in 1991 he met Alexandre Manaia, he recorded some of his originals in model format.

It was at this time that he recruited Pedro Soares (bass, guitar, vocals), Duarte Loureiro (guitar, vocals) and Gustavo Aires Mateus (drums) who would accompany him from 1992 under the name Pedro e os Apostolos. In 1993, the group sent its first demo to some radio stations, obtaining some airplay on more commercial radio stations that quickly adopted the pop-rock practice. The model included three themes, “Trembling Light”, “Learning to Fly” and “Sem Brilho nem Glória”.

His first concert took place at the BESCL Auditorium on October 6, 1992, after which he performed on the television program “Sons do Sol”, written by Júlio Isidro. In 1995, Pedro de Freitas Branco also embarked on youth literature and, in partnership with António Avelar de Pinho, published the first volume of the “Os Super 4” collection in March. The following year, Pedro e os Apostolos signed a three-year record contract with Vidisco, with their first album, “Same Para Quem Não É Crente”, being released at the end of 1996.

In 1997, Pedro accepted the invitation to join the Heróis do Rock project. The following year, the formation of Pedro and Os Póstolos underwent some transformations: drummer Gustavo Aires was replaced by João Soares and Pedro Soares swapped bass for guitar, leaving it to Nuno Correia. The group’s second album, “Momentos”, saw the light of day in 1998, and featured Alexandre Manaia as well as singer Paula Teixeira, percussionist José Salgueiro, guitarist Dudas and pianist Rui Almeida.

In September of the following year, a compilation called “Faz Figas: O Que Fica Do Que Foi” was released, which included the best tracks from the two albums released so far, to which two new songs were also added. The return to the originals took place in 2002 with an album curiously titled “Formigas em Férias”. After the end of the band, Pedro de Freitas Branco emigrated to Brazil, forming “White”.

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