What happen with Radio Tendencias?

Tendencias web radio was a project created in February 2020 and it promised to be an innovative radio, with energy and aimed at the younger audience from 8 to 80 years old.

At a time when the Covid pandemic was starting to emerge in a brutal way, people had to stay at home and fill their time with varied activities for their mental and physical health.
Since social distancing was mandatory and there were rules imposed by governments, people felt the need to communicate with each other or do something to entertain those who were alone in their homes.

It was at that time that many radio stations began to appear and radio Tendencias was created by Carlos De Castilho. As many people loved radios and were available to listen and do their own shows, a way was created on social networks, mainly on Facebook, to invite anyone who wanted to be part of a team of broadcasters.

With the team formed, and with about 20 radio entreteiners, this project was ready to move forward and have varied shows. There were many programs that appeared in Tendencias, among them:

Café Da Manhã (Morning Coffee) – Korus;
Fora Do Lugar (Out of The Place) – Korus and Franciane Amoedo
Sem Filtros (No filters) – Korus e Sofia Salvatori;
Mulher de A a Z (Woman From A to Z) – Franciane Amoedo;
Coisas Da Nossa Banda (Our Band Stuff) – Semila Capitão;
Reino Do Rock (Kingdom Of Rock) – Miguel Ludovice;
Reino Do Hip Hop (Kingdom Of Hip Hop) – Miguel Ludovice;
Sinta-se Em Si (Feel In Yourself) – Miguel Ludovice;
Verdade Nua e Crua (Nuda e Crua Truth (Podcast)) – Bella Oliveira;
Raízes do Brasil (Roots Of Brazil) – Cláudio Canadá;
Café Com Crime (Coffee With Crime (Podcast)) – Alexandre Candido;
MPB4 (Podcast about popular brasilian music) – Dinha Lanis;
Mr. Lews On The ZoneLuis Torres;
Poesia Com Voz (Poetry With Voice) – Natália Batista
Jazz Imprevisto (Unforeseen Jazz) – Nuno Vidigal and João Resende Freitas

among others that we don’t remember.

There were also other broadcasters who joined the project in the meantime but did not have a specific program name and their broadcasts were more of the eclectic type where they would only play music, in most cases music that did not always suit the radio topic.

All these live or recorded shows were always done by people who dedicated themselves hard to the project, and many found the opportunity for the first time in their lives to do something different. Only 2 or 3 people knew what a chat room was at xat.com, but Tendencias never had a chat room.

One of the most popular and successful programs on Tendencias web radio was Mulher de A a Z.

On January 20, 2021, Tendências presented its listeners with a program that revolutionized the world of web radio and the vision of feminism from another perspective.

The program “Mulher de A a Z” directed, edited and produced by Franciane Amoedo, made us aware of the point of view of the female part in relation to matters of interest, and at the same time taught and guided listeners in certain aspects of life in terms of health, well-being, maternity, beauty, emigration, parenting and much more.

Topics such as: female entrepreneurship, autism, hyperactivity, baby sights, aromatherapy, psychomotor and psychomotricity rehabilitation, care for the elderly, among others, were brought up.

At the hands of Franciane Amoedo, professionals from various institutions were also invited to help us better understand all these topics and more. We had great guests such as: Ana Catoja (Mimos da Terra), Raquel Branco, Ana Rodrigues, Vilma Oliveira (Care for the Elderly), among many others.

Undoubtedly a program that moved.
“Woman from A to Z” was on the air with the 1st season for 4 months with two podcasts per week and with 20 programs in total where later, it was repeated on weekends.

After the end of the 1st season, Franciane joined the presenter Korus and thus created “Fora do Lugar“, a highly successful program that was also on the air for several months.

It was undoubtedly one of the programs that most helped mothers, fathers and children, which addressed current issues and gave a less heavy view on all topics and aspects of society, and possibly one of the programs with the most shares, comments and listeners.

The show Sem Filtros and Fora Do Lugar were programs that “touched the wound” of people with a vision that was not very open to certain problems in society, at a time when Covid was the number 1 subject, these two talk shows would come to unravel and try to give ideas for certain problems or situations in everyday life. Probably the radio programs with the most listeners after Mulher de A a Z.

We also have to highlight Miguel Ludovice who in the world of web radios was possibly the only broadcaster to have 3 radio shows per week (see list above). Apart from the Kingdom of Rock and Hip-Hop, the Sinta-se Em Si (Feel In Yourself) was a motivational program that lasted from 1 hour to 1h30m. The program rarely had music and was all about voice during those times. In terms of several weekly programs, Korus later created its own three radio programs.

Directly from Brazil there was a program that aired every Sunday morning: Mr Lews On The Zone. This show featured music and biographies (as well as their discography) of the most iconic singers and bands of all time. The presenter was Luis Torres together with his “tecnical team”, which in this case would be some members of his family. It was an innovative show, with energy and a dash of humor in between.

The shows “Coisas Da Nossa Banda“, “Café Com Crime” and “Verdade Nue e Crua” unfortunately didn’t last long, as the people who made these specific shows or podcasts had other objectives and new projects out of radios. In the specific case of Café Com Crime, the person simply disappeared after 3 podcasts.

Radio Tendencias always sought to bring the best content, the best radio entertainers, and its eclectic style ranged from popular Brazilian music with Dinha Lanis to Jazz with Nuno Vidigal and João Resende Freitas, passing through poems spoken in the voice of Natalia Batista.
Natalia Batista was someone with a lot of experience in theater, radio and TV who brought some interviews on certain subjects with celebrities and public figures to this radio project. Things that do not exist on a xats webradio, and the Tendencias team creatively added diversified content of public use.
In the case of the Jazz program the only problem was the timings and the daydreaming about the details of the radio itself by one of the members who made this program. Unfortunately the show had to be taken off the air shortly afterwards.

We could expand on this article and talk about a thousand and one things that happened at Radio Tendencias. It was certainly a radio that never had conflicts with anyone, and the most curious thing is that the members of this project hardly knew each other, saw their photos, and heard each other, but almost never interacted with each other.

Radio’s decline started to be noticed when the covid rules started to lighten up and people obviously had to go back to their jobs and normal life.

With the departure of radio entertainers, the audiences began to be less and less, which from our point of view is completely normal, the radio didn’t pay anyone to be present and also nobody had to pay to join the team of announcers.
The only professional announcers who were on this project were Nill Zabine, Luis Torres and Cláudio Canada, they never charged anything from the radio and were always present at the time.

What could have gone better at Tendencias?

Some members who did live or recorded shows were there but they didn’t have much interest in being there, that is, some people were only there when they wanted to and not when they could; in these cases and when this situation was noticed, they were invited to “take a vacation” for an indefinite period, since the desire to be at Tendencias was not very strong.

Rarely, on the part of most animators, were there shares on social networks. The best way to make a project go much further is to publicize it, share it on social networks, keep the project present and talk about it, this was quite rare to happen.

As for creativity, some had it, others didn’t. But it was something that was not obligatory at all, as each one did as they wanted and knew.

Finally after 1 year and a half, and due to the loss of programs, radio entertainers and audiences, the radio closed its doors definitively. It was not known at the time if another identical project would appear in the future, but some people who were on the radio agreed to join something new if it appeared.

Then, on January 1, 2022, Clave24 radio was born, I can openly say that it was a failed copy of Tendencias radio. Only 3 announcers, few audiences or almost none, and the third web radio project without xats ends up “dying on the beach” after 7 months. Clave24 then becomes (since August) a music blog exclusively in Portuguese and with the aim of informing people about the culture and music that is made in Portugal.

This was the summary story of Radio Tendencias. If you knew this radio and want to leave a comment or some information about it, use the comment box below.

Thank you for reading this article and have a good week!

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Steve Barton
Steve Barton
13 November 2024 10:25

oh i just found out about this

18 October 2024 12:43

so sad…i wish them the best

9 October 2024 04:04

so sad about the radio problem

Thanya Rodes
Thanya Rodes
3 July 2024 02:27

This paragraph gives clear idea designed for the new users of blogging,
that really how to do blogging and site-building.

9 January 2023 19:34

Haaaaaa….. ninguem lembra do meu programa ?

Mas falando sério, o projeto era incrível, uma webrádio com locutores de países diferentes, com uma diversidade cultural única ! Uma pena que tenha precisado fechar as portas, mas entendemos os motivos.

Paula Domínguez
Paula Domínguez
Reply to  Mr.Lews
13 December 2024 02:18

O programa está na lista 😀

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