Anaquim is a Portuguese band formed in Coimbra, by musicians João Santiago, Luís Duarte, Pedro Ferreira, Filipe Ferreira and José Rebola, (lyricist and composer) who is the mentor of this project.

The name came from one of Rebola’s childhood heroes, Anakin Skywalker, from Star Wars.

The debut album, As Vidas dos Outros was released in 2010 and features Ana Bacalhau, lead singer of Deolinda in the song “O Meu Coração”. To promote the album, the band went on tour through Portugal, passing through several cities including Coimbra, Lisbon and Guarda.

In musical terms, the album presents a diversity of styles, from Portuguese music (Fausto, Sérgio Godinho and Zeca Afonso), through French music, to Balkan traditions and even country music, always with the aim of touching on current themes of the society, but in a light way.

José Rebola defines the record:

“It’s an album you can’t listen to once and jump in. It’s like Port wine: it’s for listening, aging and rediscovering. It’s an album that you can listen to 100,000 times without getting tired and there’s always something to discover.”

Journalist António Pires says about the album:

“Never has any national group sounded so Portuguese with so many external genres perfectly incorporated in their sound: bluegrass, rockabilly and rock’n’roll, Greek rembetika and Jewish klezmer, Mexican rancheras and valsada ballads, Manouche jazz and Berliner cabaret. And if, in the end, all this ends up sounding more like Sérgio Godinho (even because of the quality of the lyrics) than anything else, this is really the final proof.”

Universal Music Portugal defines it as:

“(…) reveals a talented musician, composer and lyricist, accompanied by excellent instrumentalists and a playful and fun attitude (…)”

“UM DIA DESTES” was produced by Toni Lourenço and José Rebola and has guests, including Jorge Palma, Luísa Sobral, Quiné Teles, Daniel Tapadinhas and Gabriel Gomes.

They celebrate their first concert with the release of “Anaquim | 10 anos – ao vivo” which records the show that the band gave at the Convento São Francisco, where several guests participated, such as Ana Bacalhau, Jorge Palma, Viviane and Luísa Sobral. .

They release the album “O Quarto de Anaquim” which crosses their origins and “new paths” and which is presented with concerts in Porto, Lisbon and Coimbra.

The album reached number 12 in its debut week on the chart in Portugal, according to Associação Fonográfica Portuguesa (AFP).

“ONE OF THESE DAYS” earned a direct entry to 8th place on the National Top Sales.

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