Lulu Blind

Lulu Blind was born in Lisbon in 1990, bringing together musicians who had worked in other bands from the capital’s punk and alternative scenes, such as Amen Sacristi and Grito Final.

They begin rehearsing at Voz do Operário, with Pedro Filete on guitar and vocals, Tó Trips and Jorj on guitars, Pedro Vargues on bass and Slams on drums.

It was the following year, without Filete and with Tó Trips taking over the vocals, that the line-up was fixed with the entry of Carlos Luz on guitar. Visibility arrives with Rita Hot Pussy, a song that has the right to a video clip on the Pop Off program, on RTP 2, and makes the band known to audiences across the country.

Lulu Blind’s popularity grew, largely at the expense of the band’s devastating concerts and, in January 1993, they entered the studio to record their debut album, inviting Zé Pedro of Xutos & Pontapés band to what would be their first and the guitarist’s only adventure as a producer.

With the band still in the studio, Rita Hot Pussy is included in the triple single compilation of national bands published by João Paulo Feliciano’s Moneyland Records. That same year, on July 14, they opened for Sonic Youth at Campo Pequeno, the North American band’s first concert in Portugal, and, months later, for the British Manic Street Preachers, at Pavilhão Carlos Lopes, in Lisbon, and at the Porto Coliseum.

1993 is also the year in which they went on tour as a support band for Xutos & Pontapés, on the Dizer Não de Vez Tour. At the end of the year, this Dread was published, with the El Tatu label. A raw, innocent and visceral album that faithfully portrays the early years of a band on the rise.

The story of Lulu Blind wouldn’t stop here, but 25 years after the original edition of Dread, what came later doesn’t matter for now.

For Zé Pedro
It was 1993, garage Rock’n’Roll was invading Lisbon and Jonhny Guitar. The Nevermind, Dirt and Goo attitude was an ever-present reality in the guitars, the torn pants, the checkered shirts, hanging around the waist of a sonic youth in search of nirvana.

Around here, they inspired us to Say No once and for all with the Dissolving Rain. Zé Pedro plays Rita Hot Pussy on Vira o Vídeo on RTP and we invited him to produce Dread. On the first day in the studio, Zé looks at us and says: “I’m going to bring my American Tele so the guitars sound good on your album”.

At the end of the crazy marathon of producing the album, we learned that it wasn’t just us who had become friends with Zé Pedro. He too, in his enormous genuineness, would remain our friend, forever…

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One thought on “Lulu Blind

  1. Uma relíquia, não sei como se lembram e vão buscar todas estas bandas, parabéns

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