Tag Dance Music


In 1993, in Porto, Rui Fernandes, ex-member of Ban and Zero, joined Pedro Saraiva (ex-Culto da Ira and X-Position) with a view to forming a group in the area of dance music that would take on connotations with funk, pop…

DJ Diego Miranda

Diego Miranda is one of the most influential portuguese Djs and producers. He has the merit of having approximated dance music to mainstream in a magical way, where, through the music, he has accomplished a great international prominence. Diego Miranda´s…

DJ Vibe

António Pereira, better known by his stage name DJ Vibe, is a Portuguese DJ Vibe was fifteen years old when he began to pay more attention to music and to show greater interest in what was sold in his father’s…


Santamaria are a Portuguese Eurodance-style band formed in 1998. The band is originally from Santa Maria de Lamas, in northern Portugal. Selling over 1 million copies, the band has already won 21 platinum and two gold records. The group has…

DJ Rui Da Silva

Rui da Silva (born 25 April 1968) is a Portuguese producer and DJ, whose single “Touch Me” reached number one in the UK in 2001. Rui da Silva started producing house music in 1992, when the disco culture began to…

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