As many may have noticed, the Clave24 website is being moved to this Portugal Music website.
The main reason is the fact that the name Clave24 doesn’t have much to do with Portuguese music specifically, and although we all know the history of the site (which in the beginning was radio and then stopped being so, and which was later a site dedicated to Portuguese music).
The name can encompass any and all styles of music.
But if we’re really just talking about music from a certain country, it probably makes more sense to give the website a name that relates to the subject.
For more than 2 years we have always been looking for new and old bands, singers that many of us had never heard of, composers unknown to the Portuguese public and beyond, and as expected, we will continue with this site and let everyone know about these artists.
Meanwhile, we not only changed the name of the site, but also its look, which we hope will improve over time. In relation to Clave24, we try to make the Portugal Music site more accessible for everyone around the world.
Let’s see, most people have no idea what a “Clave” is.
If we carry out a small social test and ask a certain number of people what the website with the name “clave” means, many will not know how to answer, or will associate this word with things or subjects that do not correspond. However, if we ask what a website with the name “Portugal Music” means, everyone will associate that name with a website with news or a blog that talks exactly about what the name indicates.
That’s why we changed the name, but always continuing with the essence of what was always done on the previous website, this is just an improved continuation of what has been done in the last two years.
We would like to know what you think of these changes and what we could do to improve it even further.
Write your ideas in the comments below and thank you for joining us on this journey!
I visit your website regularly because the content is very detailed.
Eu vou ser honesta, acho que o nome como está agora faz muito mais sentido e não perderam o foco!
Obrigado pelo comentário 😊